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A Thousand Steps into Night by Traci Chee



I think you believe you ought to be small,” he said softly, almost meditatively. “I think you have been taught that greatness does not belong to you, and that to want it is perverse. I think you have folded yourself into the shape that others expect of you; but that shape does not suit you, has never suited you, and all your young life, you have been dying to be free of it. “I think you could be happy all the time, if you allowed it.”


I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS BOOK! Its an amazing Japanese inspired book brimming with demons and spirits. I seriously felt like I was in Spirited Away while reading this, so if you're a fan of Ghibli movies I suggest you pick this book up ASAP!

I devoured as well as savored this book. This book is one of the few books I have read that has an amazing world building. The writing style is immaculate and easy to get into, you wont struggle to get into this book cause its fast paced and the footnotes were great addition to understand Japanese words that are used in this book.

I love the characters they are well thought and well written. Miuko is a young and unmarried Japanese girl who's living with her father running their own inn. Although others viewed Miuko as something peculiar, maybe even weird and someone a guy wouldn't want to wed because of her personality (loud mouthed, frank and clumsy) she lives happily wrapped by her father's love.

Unfortunately one evening while running an errand for her father she was cursed by a demon and turned into a Lady of Death who's touch can easily take away ones life.

This great book is full of adventure, magical in its own right with amazing characters like Geiko whom I adore so much and Tujiyazai who wont stop at nothing to get Miuko. It also talks about how twisted everyone treats women before.

Rated this book 5 ⭐️



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