Gods damn the last few chapters! They were all stressful and I felt like I aged a few years at how Noni played this one out. I loved the first book, loved all the secrets and how Noni made the book much more even though the characters were stuck in one place and one place only. The second book though, The Gilded Cage tells the continuation story of Kiva, Kipp, Jaren and Naari finally escaping Zalindov. Now Kiva & Kipp lives with Jaren and his family & his flirty cousin Prince Caldon at the palace. Torn between her plans for vengeance she & her siblings has been planning for years and her growing feelings toward Jaren and his family, Kiva tries to live her life normally while trying to spy on Jaren's family, reconnect with her siblings and trying to control her rising and uncotrollable magic.
I truly have no words at how amazing Noni's writing style is. I have no words how can she weave a story & give us staggering twists. Im not gonna lie i loved both the plot twist from the first book and this one. They both gave me the "wtf" moment.
I seriously feel like I got white hairs from the stress I got while reading this book. I did devour it like I did with Prison Healer. But while I enjoyed and adored Kiva's character at the first book, I found myself starting to hate her character here on the 2nd one.
I love how believable Noni have made Kiva's character development achingly relatable and real. It was slow and painful, how she was healing for what she have gone through. I like that she values family more than anything else. I loved that no matter how much pain and trauma she have experienced being a prisoner, she didn't chose to just sit down and succumb to her fears and pain. No she trained, she tried to live her life no matter how hard it is for her being torn with her prior plans of vengeance and the growing feelings she was having towards Jaren and his family. She made friends and tried to experience life outside the prison! She even wanted to start attending this healers university like cause she have dreams and she wanted to fulfill it but with so much going on inside this book it was never mentioned anymore.
What I hated though is this, I understand that family is everything, but I couldn't understand why cant she see that her own family has been using and truly abandoned her except for her brother? She is sooo naive in this book. For someone who literally grow up on a very harsh and difficult environment she was really naive. I didnt expected this since the ending at the first book gave me goosebumps and I was hoping she will turns out more amazing here. it was painful to read every decision she makes, every indenials she makes herself believe just for the sake of her sister. And I couldn't stand that she cant see people who genuinely care and loves her. So in the end she betrayed them no matter how small it was.
“She wouldn’t become like Torvin, like her mother. She was her own person, and she decided her own path. And while, yes, she’d done awful things in her life, she wasn’t like them.
She wasn’t a monster.”
Im really glad though that she realized all her stupidity and mistakes and tried to correct them. This just showed that even a fictional character can be as flawed as real humans. Im really looking forward for the 3rd book.
Im rating this one 4.5 stars!