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Twin Crowns by Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber



“Fly away safe, little Wren. Rose, grow strong and true.”

I’m not really sure what took me so long to review this book. I guess its safe to say that I love it so much I don’t wanna give my review cause giving my review will be like saying goodbye to this world well for now and im too stubborn and too obsessed with it to leave this amazing world that Katherine and Catherine had weaved for us. But since I wanna convince more people to read this amazing book I’m dropping my review in hopes that you guys will pick this up and add it on your cart!

“I would raze this whole world to the ground for you, little bird” her grandmother had pulled her close, her cloak scratchy against Wren’s cheek. “ I would kill a thousand men and more just to keep you from harm, but the time has come to set you free. To send you home. Will you raze a trail through those golden gates for your people? Will you raze a trail for me?”

First off I’m obsessed with the magical world the authors had built for this book, the details of every inch and part of the country where this book is set at. At how every statue, sand, tree, plants and even monuments has its own story and its own magic. I also adore the friendship between Wren and Shen-Lo, and love that the author included and Asian character for this book. I love how every characters are well written and unique, how each and every one of them has their own story to tell that you just wanna know instantly. It has one of the most unique plot I have ever read too!

This book is really fast paced and doesn’t have any blah moments in it so I devoured it as fast as I can. I love Tor, this brooding and very serious guard of Rose’s bethroted, who seem to be always watching and knows everything about Wren. I’m not gonna lie to you, i have enjoyed so much of their interactions, its funny, cute and just wants me to push them together to just kiss. But most of all I love Tor cause he saw Wren for what she truly is, witch or no witch, and that just melts me into warm puddles of love. Also he just revived my love for guards all over the fictional world!

Next is Shen-Lo, Wren’s bestie, I adore his friendship with Wren, you can feel how deeply he cares for her whenever they joke around. I love that he is loyal to the bone, fine ass of a man and a real good warrior witch. I’m really excited to see where his relationship with Rose will lead to.

I’m gonna tell you this book doesn’t contain any smut and I am absolutely fine with it. It’s very plot driven and doesn’t really focus on love or other stuffs, there’s some cute moments between Tor and Wren and also Shen-Lo and Rose but that’s it, im glad that the authors chose it that way cause i love it!

Lastly I wanna talk about our twin queens Wren and Rose, I love that Rose might seem to be a very soft and feminine character but actually a smart, witty and stubborn. And that Wren might look like the strong and unbreakable one but is actually lonely and is the one feeling the very heavy weight of the responsibility that was given to her. I’m glad that the authors have written them like this, looks perfect but is not when you look closer, somehow this just makes them relatable and very real for me.

I love that in spite of their differences and in spite of being raised separately with different beliefs and traditions or practices, in the end they chose each other cause they are family.

I have rated this book 5 stars on Goodreads and did a low budget cosplay for both Wren and Rose on my bookstagram so check it out!



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